Visit Thailand – the Land of White Elephants

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Ever been dating a Thai girl in America?  You wish for more of them? Book your flight to Thailand itself. Sweet Thai girls are an extra attraction to the visit to Thailand. They are cute, friendly and hot too. Do you need more?  Lush green scenarios, pristine beaches, tasty food and a whole sin city to hang out.  You also might try to find your Asian girlfriend. Anyone might wonder why Thailand. … Continue Reading

Dating Tips To Win That Hot Asian Girl

Who would not fall madly in love with Asian girls at first sight? Their quiet disposition, their charming smile, their adorable shyness and so on are some of the qualities that make them stand out among girls of other nationalities. However, not everyone who has tried dating Asian women succeeded. This is not because they are not handsome but because they lack the basic knowledge of how to appeal to … Continue Reading

5 Simple Rules To A Perfect Online Dating Profile

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Maybe you’ve decided to finally give online dating a try, or maybe you’re just wondering why your matches — the beautiful Thai girls, Vietnamese women and gorgeous singles on aren’t responding to your profile. There are a few profile-writing strategies to optimize the likelihood of interest from potential matches. Here are five simple rules for a perfect online dating profile. Make It Simple But Enough Keep your profile description thin. … Continue Reading